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Wasku City Forums

Wasku City Forums


Username: waskucity
Description: Free Porn Forum - Porn Capital of the World
URL: https://waskucity.com

Category: Porn
Language: English
Software: XenForo

World Rank: #335,892
Posts: 85549130

Average Rating: 9 / 109/10
Number of Ratings: 30
Member Since: 2014-04-13

Rate & Review: Click Here


Daily Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 9,009.7 39,401.8 2.2 2.2 0.6 0.6
Today 7,060 31,534 1 1 0 0
Yesterday 9,153 41,784 3 3 1 1
July 25 9,152 40,447 1 1 0 0
July 24 9,306 41,161 4 4 0 0
July 23 8,907 39,565 4 4 2 2
July 22 9,738 41,557 1 1 0 0
July 21 9,392 39,285 1 1 1 1
July 20 9,153 39,006 4 4 2 2
July 19 9,173 39,908 0 0 0 0
July 18 9,063 39,771 3 3 0 0
Highest 9,944 48,521 14 16 63 72
Monthly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 195,791.6 942,878.9 72.1 74.0 33.9 41.0
This Month 226,681 979,847 65 66 30 40
Last Month 210,516 966,594 95 96 36 63
May 24 258,675 1,124,054 103 105 39 41
April 24 210,696 963,953 117 124 37 49
March 24 233,445 1,189,704 95 95 34 38
February 24 201,558 971,190 84 84 33 33
January 24 179,162 943,967 63 64 29 31
December 23 139,597 801,149 58 61 20 22
November 23 137,687 734,839 41 45 40 42
October 23 159,899 753,492 0 0 41 51
Highest 258,675 1,189,704 158 177 733 786
Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Overall 4,847,728 41,175,253 4,952 5,197 12,549 13,390

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